Pavel Durov’s anti-establishment streak helped him create one of the world’s biggest online platforms, which emphasizes free speech. It also put a target on...
Year: 2024
The detention of Telegram’s founder has highlighted the messaging app’s outsized status in Europe’s deadliest war since World War II.Read More
It’s a notorious energy hog. But artificial intelligence can also foster innovation and discovery, and it could speed the global transition to cleaner power.Read...
The authorities in the Netherlands said the ride-hailing company had violated European data protection laws when it sent sensitive information to the United States.Read...
The new tariffs announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will match levies imposed by President Biden and could further strain relations between Canada and...
A case was opened last month to investigate child pornography, drug sales, fraud and other criminal activities on the platform. The app’s founder, Pavel...
The new tariffs announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will match levies imposed by President Biden and could further strain relations between Canada and...
The new tariffs announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will match levies imposed by President Biden and could further strain relations between Canada and...
Jared Isaacman is leading three other privately trained astronauts on a SpaceX vehicle for Polaris Dawn, a mission that will include a daring spacewalk.Read...
The founder of Telegram, an app with more than 900 million users, was taken into custody by authorities, French media reported.Read More