The US Justice Department has filed additional charges against the hacker accused of illegally accessing more than 100 million Capital One customers’ accounts and...
Facial recognition tech has been widely used across the US government for years, a new report shows
1 min read
As George Floyd’s death sparked protests in cities across the country, six federal agencies turned to facial-recognition software in an effort to identify people...
International law enforcement take down DoubleVPN service allegedly used by ransomware gangs
1 min read
A group of international law enforcement agencies have taken down DoubleVPN, a virtual private networking service allegedly used by ransomware gangs to hide their...
It would fine companies like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter if they permanently bar candidates for office in the state.Read More
The World Wide Web sells for $5.4 million.
1 min read
The source code to an early implementation of the web created by Tim Berners-Lee was sold as an NFT by Sotheby’s. Bidders had a...
The company is going public as investors continue to embrace share sales by tech companies. But Didi could face additional scrutiny because of its...
The effort, targeting activists in Israel, was the latest indication that governments are trying new, harder-to-detect methods to sow discontent online.Read More
Amazon said that if Ms. Khan played a role in antitrust investigations of Amazon, it would violate federal ethics rules and the firm’s right...

At the start of the pandemic some feared the internet wouldn’t be able to keep up. Luckily, they were wrong.Read More
The fine was the largest ever imposed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, which is known as FINRA.Read More