Google is now making it easier for minors or their parents to have photos of them deleted from search results.
Facebook acknowledged to shareholders this week that it is facing “government investigations” related to the tens of thousands of pages of internal company documents...
A major investor testifies.Read More
The move follows intense scrutiny after a whistle-blower provided documents about the social network’s inner workings.Read More
Facebook, Show Us the Mess
1 min read
Candid looks at the inner workings of influential tech companies shouldn’t be so rare.Read More
To protect children online, more companies and governments are forcing users to prove how old they are.Read More
With just over 20% of the ocean floor mapped today, startups such as Bedrock Ocean Exploration and Seatrec are helping to change that with...
Seatrec and Bedrock Ocean Exploration are two startups taking electric robots to new depths in an attempt to map the ocean floor.
In public, Facebook has touted the resources it has dedicated to tackling Covid-19 and vaccine misinformation, even scolding US President Joe Biden for his...