Wordle-spoiling bot taken down by Twitter
1 min read
Twitter has suspended an annoying bot that automatically responded with the next day’s solution when people posted their Wordle scores on the platform.
Already suspended under the platform’s Covid-19 misinformation rules, he continued to post videos daring YouTube to ban him.Read More
An Amazon program guaranteed sellers a minimum price while offering a potential upside if an algorithm determined that customers were willing to pay moreRead...
Intel had been charged with paying illegal rebates to companies that used its semiconductors over rival Advanced Micro Devices.Read More
The carmaker had a profit of $5.5 billion as sales of its electric vehicles continued to surge, especially in China and Europe.Read More
Late payment charges, hotel resort fees and other tacked-on expenses collectively add billions to what Americans pay for goods and services.Read More
Starting in the 1960s, he developed the area’s farmland into office parks that housed fast-growing technology companies.Read More

Creators who want to make a living online say the fees are too high.Read More
Why Online Stars Are Mad at Apple
1 min read
Creators who want to make a living online say the fees are too high.Read More