Four days after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, 20-year-old YouTuber Najma Sadeqi sat on her bed and recorded a final video to tens of...
Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced founder and former CEO of Theranos, is set to go to trial this week, more than three years after being...
As some US cities start requiring proof of vaccination to enter restaurants, events and workplaces, smartphone makers such as Apple, Samsung and Google are...
Google and Apple are catching heat for their app store and payments practices in Asia Pacific.
The trial for the founder of Theranos, the once high-flying blood testing start-up, will cap a saga of Silicon Valley hubris, ambition and deception.
The restrictions reflect the government’s intensifying push for companies to jettison what it says are unhealthy cultural influences.Read More
The trial for the founder of Theranos, the once high-flying blood testing start-up, will cap a saga of Silicon Valley hubris, ambition and deception.Read...
The Taliban’s social media dilemma
1 min read
Days after taking control of Afghanistan earlier this month, the Taliban used its first press conference to take a swipe at Facebook in response...
Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced founder and former CEO of Theranos whose criminal trial is set to begin in a matter of days, is likely...
China blasts ‘996’ excessive work culture
1 min read
China is putting companies that overwork their employees on notice.