Telegram and Signal, the encrypted services that keep conversations confidential, are increasingly popular. Our tech columnists discuss whether this could get ugly.Read More
Amazon has been handed a major legal victory in its fight to block a multibillion-dollar deal between two of India’s biggest retailers.
The Federal Aviation Administration said it will oversee an investigation into a crash landing of a SpaceX prototype rocket on Tuesday. The announcement comes...
Google’s cloud business is losing money
1 min read
Google is providing a deeper look into the financials of its cloud business, and it doesn’t look great.
Jeff Bezos is stepping down as Amazon CEO
1 min read
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will step down from his role as chief executive later this year and transition to the role of executive chair,...
Some iPhone users will soon be able to unlock their smartphones without needing to remove their face masks in public. There’s just one catch:...
Astra, a US-based rocket startup aiming to build cheap rockets to haul satellites to space, announced Tuesday that it’s going public via a reverse...
Andy Jassy, the chief of Amazon’s cloud computing division, will become chief executive, while Mr. Bezos, the company’s founder, will become executive chairman.
Andy Jassy, the chief of Amazon’s cloud computing division, will become chief executive, while Mr. Bezos, the company’s founder, will become executive chairman.Read More
After defying the F.A.A. during its last test flight in December, the company got approval but didn’t succeed in sticking the landing.Read More