LG is getting out of the “incredibly competitive” business of making smartphones.
The 6-to-2 ruling ended a decade-long battle over whether Google had improperly used Java code in its Android operating system.Read More

We’re seeing a mania for wacky tech ideas. But tech bubbles aren’t necessarily the worst thing.Read More
The two employees had publicly pushed the company to reduce its impact on climate change and address concerns about its warehouse workers.Read More
Amazon was built on an underdog philosophy, but its workers are finding a voice. That presents a problem for the company that goes far...
It took luxury brands years to get used to the internet — but just months to start talking on the audio chat site. Are...
The personal information of about half a billion Facebook users, including their phone numbers, have been posted to a website used by hackers, cybersecurity...
Amazon is on edge over Alabama union vote
1 min read
For more than two decades, Amazon has bulldozed over bricks-and-mortar businesses, hired and churned through vast numbers of workers and even pitted cities against...
The discussions between the digital pin board company and the app that inspired the “VSCO girls” trend are ongoing.Read More
The chief executive duties will be divided between two current company executives — Tekedra Mawakana and Dmitri Dolgov.Read More