Elon Musk said Monday evening that Twitter is “holding off” the restart of his paid account verification plan over continued concerns of impersonation on...
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones won’t be returning to Twitter and will remain banned from the platform, according to its new owner, Elon Musk.
While much of Silicon Valley is grappling with hiring freezes and job cuts, at least one social media company is still planning to keep...
Five days after its successful launch, NASA’s Artemis I reached just 80 miles above the moon’s surface. Previously the spacecraft also shared impressive views...
Laid-off employees at Twitter’s Africa headquarters are accusing Twitter of “deliberately and recklessly flouting the laws of Ghana” and trying to “silence and intimidate”...
Firing people. Talking of bankruptcy. Telling workers to be “hard core.” Mr. Musk has repeatedly used those tactics at many of his companies.Read More
Gary Gensler, the chair of the S.E.C., is at the center of a reckoning over the future of cryptocurrency after the implosion of FTX.Read...
Microsoft’s $69 billion deal for Activision Blizzard, which is undergoing reviews in 16 countries, has become a test for whether tech giants can buy...
Cryptocurrency exchange FTX, which has filed for US bankruptcy court protection, said it owes its 50 biggest creditors nearly $3.1 billion.
As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly popular for generating images, a question has roiled the art world: Can AI create art?