How do you make sense of all the different philosophical camps surrounding A.I.?Read More
Firms are turning to advanced technologies to help answer a surprisingly tricky question: Where do products really come from?Read More
Technology companies were once leery of what some artificial intelligence could do. Now the priority is winning control of the industry’s next big thing.Read...
Nearly six months after buying Twitter, Mr. Musk has made tweaks that have altered what people see on the platform and how they interact...
The streaming company released Ben Affleck’s “Air” on 3,500 movie screens this week, and it plans to open 10 to 12 films theatrically every...

David was passionate, courteous and (artificially) intelligent.Read More
Samsung Electronics said on Friday it would make a “meaningful” cut to chip production after flagging a worse-than-expected 96% plunge in quarterly operating profit,...
As the tech sector races to develop and deploy a crop of powerful new AI chatbots, their widespread adoption has ignited a new set...
In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, as online platforms began facing greater scrutiny for their impacts on users, elections and society, many...
The lawyer had been closely involved in the company’s talks with the Federal Trade Commission over promises it had made on privacy.Read More