The world’s richest man has inserted himself in some of the world’s most combustible conflicts.Read More
Kathaleen St. J. McCormick, the chief judge of Delaware’s Chancery Court, gave Mr. Musk until Friday to acquire Twitter. She is also the judge...
Behind the NSA’s mysterious coded tweet
1 min read
When the National Security Agency sent a tweet Monday filled with garbled nonwords like “tpfccdlfdtte,” the Internet was confused, and intrigued.
Meet Netflix’s stealthy new logo
1 min read
Netflix has a new logo, but you’re forgiven if you didn’t notice.
How might your boss know when you’ve slept?
1 min read
Will wearables make us more productive? More satisfied? Or just give bosses another way to spy on workers?
Why test-tube meat may be the future of food
1 min read
A new breed of entrepreneurs are applying tech-startup principles to the challenges of global food production.
Apparently This Matters: Airplane armrests
1 min read
CNN humor columnist Jarrett Bellini looks at a new design for airplane armrests.
Jupiter’s moon Ganymede may have several ice and water layers inside, and life could have arisen there.
The African app company that trumped Apple
1 min read
Tech firm Oju Africa has tackled the lack of racially diverse emoticons by introducing its own set of Afro icons.
The wearable technology movement is in full effect, and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play.